Sun rising over Slagslunde in Denmark, "Ellekær Vænge" lat=55.8024884135, lon=12.2158732647
What a lovely last day of the year
I'm elated, and by the way writing english. listening to Norge rundt, and pricipally more inclined to write danish- but this blog might just interest our families in the US, so bear with me.
This is the 31st deccmber, and I have both leared of a loss and gained 6 new members of my family.
The loss is that my sister, whom I learned a lot about from our father, has passed away this late summer being 29 years my senior, without having met as grown ups.
The gain is that the memorial service being held in her honour at Holmens Church, Copenhagen, has brought my fathers family together again after 40 years of division, due to an absolutely unnecessary strife over inheritance.