søndag den 26. december 2010

Christmas 2010

This christmas we had Annettes sister Eva and her family, Michael, Victor and Line as guests

Possibly this was Michaels last performance as Santa!

I have had my last trip as a Bus driver:
Traffic is simply too much and the other guys cant drive...:-)
Lyngby with the nice shopping centre was **completely blocked up 23 rd of december, not so strange but this caused bus delays on the order of hours

This is my last accident so far.

The situation occurred because of a completely iced road, not allowing the silver car to stop before hitting my bus
Still I'll miss the experience a bit even if I really need to work more with my mind. Its not bad to work with other people in a service capacity. Its nice when people respond kindly to your efforts,

Seasons greating to all our friends and family!