Spoiler warning: This is an unashamed praise of a worldclass danish company.
Its called Vestergaard Company and produces service vehicles for the aviation industry. A visit to the company is at least as exciting as the Discovery series on US Fire fighting vehicles.
Its no coincidence as these truck bodies are supplied with tanks, burners, pumping systems, booms and outriggers controlled from a suspended operator cabin controlling the nozzles that spray deicing fluid on airplanes. not all that different from FFVs
I vent to Vestergaard yesterday for a jobinterview as a control engineer, being met by two very agreeable managers, very experienced about their product and the sub-assemblies going into making it, giving me a complete tour of the premises and showing me high motivation for the products and the company.
I have never been so excited in my life, or almost never, as this was quite my cup of tea (vand på min mølle), combining vehicle technology with mechanical and control engineering.
Even if the job should be offered to somebody else, I am just plain excited about being allowed to visit a danish company with Vestergaards workplace, skilled labour, engineering offices and products. What a friday !!!