mandag den 20. juni 2011

05/06/2011 LUMID Graduation ceremony Lund U

Certainly this is the major day for us and Pia

After two Years of graduate study and practice stay in Bolivia, Pia finally is Master from LuMID.

Congratulations from the family:-)

søndag den 19. juni 2011

19/06/2011 Djupadals rittet på 3 timer

This really needs to be tried out. With some luck with the weather gods and even a cheap Biltema bicycle, both nature and exercise is close by hand

onsdag den 15. juni 2011

Wellcome to Norway at Aibel

I began working for Tech4Hire as a consultant at Aibel in Haugesund.

Start of work was 6 june and at home we were full up with preparations for the expatriate stay for me for one week.

I have rented a 35 m2 flat for the duration of the stay which is timed to be 1 1/2 Year, and the work is simply exciting working on projects for Statoil at Kårstø.

The long pentecost weekend gave me possibility to test the new, but quite chap bicycle I have bought enabling me to travel upcountry visiting Avaldsnes with Haralds kingsseat and the nature at Fosen south of Haugesund

As You can see Haugesund is really beautyful and very Norwegian