One of my father Captain Frederik Nyborg Christensens friends from the military occupation administration in Germany at Bremerhaven, has recently died:
FROM: The Erie Times-News ~
Rear Admiral Charles A. Curtze Retired age 96, of West 38th Street, Millcreek, died Wednesday December 26, 2007 at his residence.
He was born April 8, 1911 in Erie at Hamot Hospital a son of late Edwin H. and Henrietta Kraus Curtze and he was grandson of Charles A. Curtze, founder of C.A. Curtze Company, Erie, Pa. Residing at 135 East 7th St., he attended Jones Elementary School, Gridley Junior High, and graduated from Central High School 1928. Being an exchange Rotary Club son in Scandinavia led ..
FROM: The Erie Times-News ~
Rear Admiral Charles A. Curtze Retired age 96, of West 38th Street, Millcreek, died Wednesday December 26, 2007 at his residence.
He was born April 8, 1911 in Erie at Hamot Hospital a son of late Edwin H. and Henrietta Kraus Curtze and he was grandson of Charles A. Curtze, founder of C.A. Curtze Company, Erie, Pa. Residing at 135 East 7th St., he attended Jones Elementary School, Gridley Junior High, and graduated from Central High School 1928. Being an exchange Rotary Club son in Scandinavia led ..

Last time Curtze came to visit us in Denmark, was around 1970 to bring home a newly built sail yacht thru the Kieler canal and on to America.
I was scheduled to go onboard as supernumerary crew (at age 12 i think) but it never happened.
Clearly Curtze loved the boat:
Goerie.com During his retirement, he designed and commissioned his sailing yacht, Thule, in Germany, which was completed in 1970. He and his wife sailed it back to the U.S., and it was berthed at the Erie Yacht Club."He loved that boat," Frew said.
During our USA visit in 1967 we visited the Curtzes, who as I recall, then lived in the DC , when we were travelling through Washington DC. My parents went to the National Archives there as well.
I wonder what they were looking for ? It could have been my uncle Gerhard who disappeared in the US during the first part of the 20th century, or possibly the Andews family whom my fathers aunt Frederikke (Niko) Nyborg of the teacher C. Nyborg Family visited.
She and her friend Andrews travelled on the 'United States' through Ellis Island in 1923.
So she left a trail in the archives of Ellis Island. Amazing.
But still: Is it just a coincidence that Curtze dies within a few days of my sister Inger Savoth Nyborgs memorial service at Holmes Kirke??
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