mandag den 8. december 2008

Tough 2008 Learning a whole new business

This year has again showed how fast I can take up new knowledge and take up old knowledge.

As the job with Brodersen, integrating an Arcnet driver into Zenon, showed, 10 years from 1997 to 2007 did'nt really impact my ability to work efficiently with MS C++. The internet is of course a fabulous tool for solving problems and learn new code.
Then, I worked very professionally taking up the C# challenge at ITS, being helped very much by the system developer Niels Erik who is very good at tution.

After being acknowledged by People capital partner in Holte as one very bright engineer, and to boot managing to take Rockwools personnel aptitude test in German with flying colours, I was hired by Rockwool International as Sr. Engineer in process control.

Really, the test was by a mistake in German, and asking if that was really proper, I got a nomcomittal reply and decided to go on with it. The HR person found out when she was about to grade the test exclaiming ' Its in German!!'.
That broke the ice with my new department manager Kåre, who probably must have been convinced of my abilities right there.
I met some very good people there, and learned of the Rockwool Process and the systems around the process control.
Particularly working with Siemens Step7 and WinCC was a very good addition to my experience.

Also the last electrical engineering project management at Vamdrup factory has been a good challenge. Though working with people who have been in this particular industry for 25 years knowing all the components by heart, is a real challenge.
As I usually do, I made a proper documentation, drawing and describing the system from top down, figuring out how the S5 input boxes worked with bus connections to main PLC, how all the process motors and fans were placed in the plant, taking pictures and correcting autocad drawing to show positions, and conduits. Now all I need is to become a bit sharper on El-Cad.

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